Menicon celebrates the launch of its new onsite training facility in Northampton
October 14, 2018

Menicon celebrates the launch of its new onsite training facility in Northampton

Menicon Milestone event
Menicon Milestone Event

Menicon has celebrated the launch of its new onsite training facility in Northampton with a free CET evening attended by 23 members of Northampton Local Optical Committee.

The first event in the new clinic on May 23 featured lectures and discussions worth 6 CET points in total, with topics including the anterior eye and the visual recognition test. Peer discussions were also held on irregular corneas and fitting contact lenses, as well as myopia control.

The private family company David Thomas Contact Lenses has had a facility on the Northampton site since 1985. Bought by Menicon nearly 10 years ago, the site was expanded earlier this year with the extension of the offices and training spaces.

This is the first time there has been a clinic onsite and the new facility will be used for training practitioners, holding CET events and launching new contact lens products.

Menicon’s Professional Services Manager, Josie Barlow explained: “The aim of the new facility is to provide future CET events covering a wide range of topics and skills, increase the confidence of practitioners in fitting RGP contact lenses and to provide training specific to our specialist lenses, for example our Rose K range and Menicon Z Night Ortho-K.

“We will also use it as a platform for launching future products, such as our new scleral lens later this year,” she added.

The company was pleased at how successful the first event was, with practitioners even telephoning the next day to highlight how interesting they thought the first event was.

Menicon’s UK and Export Sales Manager, Gill Narramore, highlighted: “We were delighted to welcome practitioners to our first onsite event at our newly completed training facility and received very positive feedback.

“The success of the evening was due to Josie’s passion for educating and sharing knowledge and she always has an excellent rapport with her audience,” she added.

Looking to the future, Ms Narramore concluded: “We are already planning our next event on Ortho-K, but we would also welcome practitioners contacting us to arrange tailor-made training too.”

For more information, visit the company’s website or telephone 0160 464 6216.